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Taipei Confucius Temple Confucian Culture

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22. Final Principal Presentation; 23. Final Collateral Presentation
To commence this presentation, the Jin drum and the Yong bell are sounded as in the third drum roll. The conductor sings the command for Ching Ho ("Luminous Harmony"), and then the banner-bearers and staff boys raise their banners and staffs, and the sounding box is sounded, the Tao drum is spun and the bell is rung. The music, songs and dances then begin simultaneously. The positions of the dancers have again been changed to accompany the change in music. Altogether there are three different presentation dances, and the "eight-fold formation" dance consists of a total of 96 postures.
After the music commences, the Principal Presentation Officer is led by deacons to a position in front of Confucius' spirit to offer the final libation and to bow three times.

Deacons lead the Collateral Presentation Officers to positions before the spirits of the Sages and Scholars on the Eastern and Western Corridors to offer their last libations and to bow three more times.